Can Multiple Dental Implants Be Placed at the Same Appointment?

Dental Implants Safford, AZ

Thinking about getting dental implants to take care of your missing tooth problem? Implants are commonly chosen by dental patients who are in need of tooth replacement services. While there are other replacement options available, these do not offer the unique benefits that implants do. One of these benefits is preventing jawbone loss, which is important when it comes to good overall oral health.

Replacing missing teeth

Learning more about the benefits of dental implants will help you decide whether this tooth replacement option is right for you. Two other tooth replacement options that dental patients can choose include fixed bridges and removable partial or complete dentures. Since other replacement options do not provide patients with the same benefits, more patients are considering implants. Three implant benefits are natural-looking teeth, easier eating and convenience.

Can multiple dental implants be placed at the same dental appointment?

When a patient is missing multiple teeth and therefore interested in getting multiple implants placed in their mouth, a commonly asked question is whether they can have all the implants placed during the same appointment. The broad answer is they can get as many implants needed to once again have a healthy mouth. For patients who are missing most or all their teeth, they can choose to have an implant-supported bridge or implant-supported dentures to replace their teeth, which uses anywhere between four and eight implants to hold them in place.

Does getting implants hurt?

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, while there may be discomfort and bruising, many people report that they feel better than anticipated after the procedure. This means that most patients are able to go back to their jobs and/or resume their everyday responsibilities in between appointments. When it comes to how many appointments it will take for someone to have implants placed in their mouth, the average amount is three, but every patient is different.

Is everyone a candidate for implants?

In order for a dental patient to be considered a good candidate for getting implants, it is important for them to be in good overall general health. Patients must also be completely free of gum disease, and if they are not, then it is necessary for them to undergo gum disease treatment before having any implants placed in their mouth. There is a list of certain medications that may delay or prevent a patient from getting implants, making it essential for all patients to let a dental professional know all the medications they are currently taking.

Ready to make a consultation appointment?

Are dental implants right for you? Whether you have already chosen implants as your tooth replacement option or need more information before making an ultimate decision, your first step is making a consultation appointment with an experienced dentist to learn more. It is important to replace any missing teeth, as this helps ensure that your mouth is as healthy as it can be. We are here when you need us!

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